BANJO LESSONS - by Bradley Laird
This lesson introduces some new rolls and patterns and will lead
us to learning the complete version of "Cripple Creek".
Two New Exercises (MP3 TRACK 19)
These two exercises both use the same right hand picking pattern.
The last half of each measure sounds similar to the previously
learned "Thumb-Pinch" lick,
but in this case it is a "Middle-Pinch".
The second measure is just like the first, except in this case
you hold down two fretted notes (part of the C Chord) and lift
them for
the "Middle-Pinch".
Use your left hand index finger to play the 1st fret note on the second
string and use your ring finger on the 2nd fret on the first string.
A Long Slide (MP3 TRACK 20)
Here are the first 3 measures of the A Part of Cripple Creek. Notice
that the song starts on count four after three silent rests. It starts
with a fretted "pinch" and then you slide your fretting finger
up to the fifth fret.

Your landing
there should coincide with the count "one" of
the next measure. Notice that you do not pick that first note in
the second measure! It is sounded only by sliding up. Then the
third measure
is the exercise you just learned above. If you are confused play
along with the audio track.
Hang in there!
We now have covered all the techniques learned in order to play
the entire song Cripple Creek-- and hundreds of other songs! All
we have to do is string all these
together to assemble the complete song.
If learning to play using tablature is giving you fits try my Play Banjo By Ear video course:
These 5 video lessons (over 2 hours total) might be just the thing to make it all "click" for you. I have discovered that not everyone's brains operate the same way. For some people, especially in the early stages of learning, printed tab and chord charts just looks like "chicken scratchin'" and TAB just gets in the way of learning. These videos are a "monkey see, monkey do" method and you should try it and see if it works for you.
Click here for complete information. |
here to move to lesson 12 and learn play the song Cripple Creek...
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