Comments from people using my materials...Here are a few comments I've received from people who are using my videos and eBooks. I'd love to hear from you too! Brad: Todd in USA Lots of great (free) stuff for sure and the stuff you pay for is even better. Brad is a great teacher and explains things in great detail. You can't go wrong here folks. Larry in W. Virginia Brad, I am learning to play the mandolin with your video series and just want to let you know how much I am enjoying the lessons. FINALLY! Someone who actually makes sense when explaining music theory! Your lessons are so clear, complete and concise….certainly beats the gibberish and ‘secret speak’ I’ve heard from others. Hi Brad, I'm 2 days into mandolin. I really enjoy your instructional videos. They are very straightforward. Each lesson is easy to master (well, so far anyhow), and they fit together very nicely.
I want to thank Brad for the "Soloing in Moveable Positions" video (Nine Pound Hammer). I've been playing for 1-2 years and had been taking breaks during jams. This video has given me a tool I have already used many times. Last night someone asked me if I had been sleeping with my mando under my pillow cuz' I've gotten so much better in one week. This video is worth many times the money I spent on it - and I haven't even had a chance to play Nine Pound Hammer yet in a jam - but a whole bunch of other songs in other keys. Brad, wanted to let you know there is at least one mando player getting great benefit from your videos. Thanks, Larry in Wisconsin Hi, Brad. I want to thank you for the free and premium lessons you have made available Your lessons on Salt Creek and Sittin' on Top of the World have given me Your teaching style is excellent, and the pace of your lessons on the two songs Thanks again for your help. Rick in Colorado Hey Brad, Hi, Just a little note from the snow and coldness in Norway. But we enjoy indoor life, especially when learning to play the mandolin! A friend of mine and me really like playing "Lairds March". What a fun piece! And - finally to the point - have you written more pieces for two mandolins we could enjoy? If so, please let me know. Regards, Ragnar Thorsteinsen, Norway Brad, I feel like the proverbial light bulb has at last been turned on. You have no idea how grateful I am. I just turned 62 this month, retired, and now plan to really learn to play.
Hola Brad I just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I have enjoyed your mando videos. I picked up the mando a few months back coming from a guitar back ground. Your videos offer the perfect building blocks for "breaking the code" especially for somebody with some musical background. After running through the Pentatonic videos I was able to put together some modest solos. I really enjoyed the moveable blues licks and the turnaround videos. Are there anymore videos and lessons in the works? Be happy knowing that your licks are being played in Mexico by a bunch of expats keeping American roots music alive and well in the third world. Todd in Mexico Brad, As a former "Band Geek," I've had a very long background in READING music but have never figured out how to improvise. Your video lessons have helped me out immensely. Thanks for all that you've done to promote the mandolin on the web. Eric in Illinois, USA Hi Brad Thanks for the lessons. Someone like me (never managed to stick at an instrument for too long) needs that instant availability of instruction to get over the initial hurdles and prevent learning bad habits. My wife thinks you are very cool... maybe partly due to the fact that your lessons are reducing the cacophony in our house (it's a banjo mandolin). Derek in Australia Brad: I can tell from your free lessons that you're an excellent teacher of the mandolin. Great pacing for novices like myself and clear descriptions of the patterns of scales... I just bought my first mandolin today and this evening began searching for tips or instruction for the mandolin, and found a YouTube of you. Walt in USA Brad: I am a violin player and beginner mandolin player... I will definitely be returning for more instruction... Cathleen in USA Hi Brad I finally got a few of your downloads and just wanted to tell you again what a great job you do. REALLY. There's a lot of folks out there "teaching" mandolin, but you are just superb! I'm a college librarian out on the west coast, 56 years old, and just took up the mandolin a few days ago. I'm still recuperating from knee surgery, so figured this would be a good time to learn the mandolin. I've played guitar since I was 13 and always liked the sound and feel of the mandolin. I always wanted to learn, just never had the time. So, out of the blue, last week I bought a modest F-Style, and I've been loving it! I wanted to know as much as I could about the mandolin and playing right away. I found a YouTube of you among a slew of others and immediately recognized what a well-crafted, thoughtful approach you offer. Again, THANKS! I'm eating up the video downloads. Your examples are so clear, and you explain the connections and patterns in a way that really hits home. You have a nice presence, you're well spoken, clear of voice, and the shots of your fingers on the fret board are very well done. You skillfully convey your information in a well-organized manner, yet it's dense with great tips and new ways to look at things. I feel as though you've given my mandolin playing the opportunity to really take off. I'm indebted. Thanks, again. Be well and happy pickin' to you, too! Walter in USA Dear Brad, I am a fairIy recent student of the mandolin. I am currently studying your lesson for "Blackberry Blossom", which like all of your lessons is fantastic. I have found your lessons on improvisation while using the Pentatonic scales to be invaluable. Thanks again. Hello! Hey Brad, Thanks, Carolyn from Turner, Maine These video mandolin lessons have taught thousands of people to play because they really work! Try them and see for yourself.