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©2020 Bradley Laird |
Bradley Laird's Grass Talk Radio Podcast Support the show with Patreon The podcast for people who play bluegrass music or want to! Episode 166 - Rattles, Buzzes and Twangs It happens to everyone sooner or later. You play your instrument on Friday night and it sounds great. You pick it up on Saturday morning and it sounds like crap! What happened? It's buzzing, rattling, making strange sounds! Listen up as I walk you through the most likely to least likely causes of your sonic troubles. Thank you to my Patreon supporters. I have said it many times but it bears repeating: YOU are a huge part of making this happen. I do appreciate it! I sincerely do. Another way to support the podcast is by purchasing some of my instructional products and by sharing my site with others. If this embedded audio player does not work on your device just click on one of the alternatives (iTunes, Podbean, or Stitcher) above.
Links for this episode: Direct link my new forum JUST FOR LISTENERS of Grass Talk Radio. The music for this episode is: Intro - Buddy Ashmore and Pony Express singing Prison Walls written by Randy Godwin. Outro - The Pluck Tones, Patrick Owen on guitar, John Teate on mandolin and Bradley Laird on bass. Just a live tape from some gig, probably at Floyd's in Americus, Georgia, from around 2015. It was getting late and we were stretching the envelope. • List of all podcast episodes