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FREE BANJO LESSONS Bradley Laird's Free Bluegrass Banjo Lesson site is here! FREE CLAWHAMMER BANJO LESSONS Bradley Laird's Free Clawhammer Lesson site is located here! FREE MANDOLIN LESSONS Bradley Laird's Free Mandolin Lesson site is located here! FREE GUITAR LESSONS Bradley Laird's Free Bluegrass Guitar Lesson site is here! BRAD'S JAM SESSION SURVIVAL KIT Free Chord Progression Cheat Sheets FREE APPALACHIAN DULCIMER LESSONS Free Mountain Dulcimer Lessons
©2020 Bradley Laird |
Bradley Laird's Grass Talk Radio Podcast Support the show with Patreon The podcast for people who play bluegrass music or want to! Episode 169 - The Life Blood of Bluegrass Go to a jam. Start a jam. In this episode I discuss the 5 "regular" jams that I have started--what went right and what went wrong--and encourage you to do the same. Either play bluegrass or you are going to lose it! (My sweet potato pie recipe is farther down the page!) Thank you to my Patreon supporters. I have said it many times but it bears repeating: YOU are a huge part of making this happen. I do appreciate it! I sincerely do. Another way to support the podcast is by purchasing some of my instructional products and by sharing my site with others. If this embedded audio player does not work on your device just click on one of the alternatives (iTunes, Podbean, or Stitcher) above.
Links for this episode: Link to my new forum just for listeners of Grass Talk Radio. Link to my son Jackson's new 6 song EP called "Beacon". Don't forget that you can download it for free--he just wants people to hear his compositions! The music for this episode is: Intro - Buddy Ashmore and Pony Express singing Prison Walls written by Randy Godwin. Outro - "Big D" written by and played by your host, Bradley Laird. If you banjo players want the tab just send me an email. This is played on my Stewart MacDonald kit banjo from 1978 strung with Hartford strings in low D. Sweet Potato Pie I usually only use one stick of softened butter. It says 2 but 1 is plenty. Maybe was a typo from Mom's old typewriter. It says 2 sticks, but only use one! • List of all podcast episodes