When you are ready, explore my hoard of mandolin instructional videos and eBooks: 4 decades to create, 12 years to assemble. All in one place. If you are searching for my eBooks this is the place...
©2018 Bradley Laird |
page is a complete list of all of Brad Laird's mandolin
video lessons including 23 free video
lessons. Tune up your mandolin
How to Use These Video Lessons... This page is a listing of 60 video mandolin lessons including lots of free videos. This list is organized them in the most logical way to help you learn to play quickly. I suggest that you bookmark this page! You will come back here many times as you practice and progress with your mandolin playing. The lessons begin with the basics such as tuning and simple mandolin tunes and progress through learning a lot of the great standard bluegrass jam session tunes. These videos also will teach you a great deal about chords and the music theory that you can use to strengthen your abilities as a musician. As you build your physical skills on the mandolin you will also learn how to improvise solos and play in every key. I have put a lot of thought and planning into these lessons and they are proven to work! Thousands of mandolin students all over the world are using these videos. All of the lessons include the tablature (tab) and standard music notation, the chord charts and, in many cases, MP3 practice and jam tracks to make learning more fun. Grab your mandolin, bookmark this page, and begin: BRAD LAIRD'S COMPLETE MANDOLIN VIDEO LESSON DIRECTORY
*Denotes a Free Video Lesson Tips: I would suggest that you proceed one by one through the lessons. By simply reading the title you might think that you "already know that" and will miss some valuable insights. For example, lots of beginners learn to play Salt Creek (or whatever tune) early on. So, they see Salt Creek on the list and they skip it because they think they know the tune and wouldn't get anything by studying that lesson. Trust me on this, I have packed these lessons with loads of little details, techniques, concepts, licks, tricks, ways of thinking about things, and improvisation ideas. While the lesson might, on the surface, be "Salt Creek" you might be surprised by the additional insights you can gain by looking deeper into "tunes you already know." What you learn by exploring "Mississippi Sawyer" might teach you some valuable things about triplet embellishments and jazz chords. You will never know unless you dive in and see for yourself. When you click on any of the links above you will find a more detailed description of the lesson contents and length. The free lessons have the tab and/or chord charts right on that page along with the video player window. The premium lessons are delivered to you as a zip file containing the video file, any audio tracks and the tablature as a PDF file. You store them on your computer and do not have to be online to watch them. For beginners in particular I invite you to consider these exact beginner video lessons. Thousands of people have learned to play using these videos because they really work! Click on the image below to go straight to my top beginning lessons, read about them and watch free demos:
I think that if you explore the premium lessons you will discover that they are a good value. The premium lessons are a lot less expensive than a single private lesson and you can go over the material as many times as you need to until you get it. I don't force you to subscribe or commit to recurring credit card billing plans. Who knows, in a couple of months you might decide you don't want to play the mandolin or don't have time. If you wanted a cup of coffee should you have to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12 month membership at the coffee shop? I don't think so. With my lessons, it's strictly pay-as-you-go. Frankly, a lot of people have trouble learning to play because they are not following a well-thought out plan. Maybe you need a plan. If you want to be a mandolin player, and if you believe like I do that it is a lot more fun to really play than to wish you could play, scroll up and get busy. That list is a plan that will get you really playing and, if you bought every video I have ever made and all of my ebooks, and I hope you do, you'd still spend less than the price of an entry-level mandolin and a couple of sets of strings. And, if you embark on my plan and ever have a question, just shoot me an email. I don't mind a bit. And, one last thing I'd like to suggest. Once you get started, be sure to subscribe and listen to my free audio podcast for students. You'll find it here at www.grasstalkradio.com. I create the podcast for you and it may be just the boost you need to stay on track and make great progress. Bradley Laird
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