Welcome to bradleylaird.com! This site is filled with information to help you learn to play bluegrass and old-time music. To see it all just scroll down this page. Have fun and visit often! Here are links to all of my websites:

Grass Talk Radio - My free podcast for people who play bluegrass or are learning to play bluegrass.

Play The Mandolin - Everything you need to learn to play the mandolin written in plain english with lots of chord charts and tablature. All of my free video mandolin lessons are here.

Mando University - This is the home of all of my downloadable mandolin instruction books. It is also the repository of the archive of my mandolin newletter back issues.

Play The Banjo Today - This is the Bradley Laird free Scruggs / bluegrass style banjo lessons. Put those picks on and dive right in!

Bradley Laird's Banjo e-Books - My banjo e-books are available here. Home of The Flint Hill Scrolls - The Forbidden Book of Banjo Knowledge.

Bluegrass Jam Tracks - 191 jam tracks at a range of tempos and keys. Free sample tracks. Get to jammin!

How to Play Clawhammer Banjo - This is the place for free clawhammer banjo lessons. Got a 5 string? Get to jammin!

Bluegrass Bass Instruction - This is my 93 page PDF downloadable course teaching bluegrass style upright bass. Maybe nobody else appreciates you, but I do!

Jam Session Survival Kit - Free chord progressions and cheat sheets for the most popular jam session tunes. Download the PDF eBook here.

Free Bluegrass Jamming eBook - Download this 65 page PDF eBook and learn the ins and outs of bluegrass jamming. The free download also includes a 25% discount coupon off any of my instructional products.

Free Student Newsletter - Sign up for my free monthly newsletter and get tips, news, articles, discounts and updates to help your playing.

Bluegrass Family Band Song Book - Basic bluegrass arrangements for all 5 instruments in the same keys. Includes banjo, mandolin, guitar, bass, fiddle, lyrics, etc.

How to Play Dulcimer - Free beginning Mountain Dulcimer lessons with tablature and tuning tracks. Link to my eBook course here too.

How to Play Bluegrass Guitar - Loaded with free guitar chord charts. Quit all that strumming in 4/4 time. This ain't an Eagle's tune. Bluegrass guitar is pretty simple but it has it own set of rules. Here they are.

The Ancient Order of the Mandolin - Esoteric mandolin site. This site is only for the select few.